On 20th July 1921 at 2.30 pm The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Lodge of Tyrone and Fermanagh met in the Bonn Hall, Pomeroy for the purpose of constituting and dedicating Phoenix Masonic Lodge No. 836, Pomeroy. The ceremony of constitution was carried out after the warrant had been read by the Provincial Grand Secretary.
The Provincial Grand Master installed Colonel Henry G. S. Alexander as Worshipful Master, Brother James Sinnamon as Senior Warden, Brother James Rainey as Junior Warden and Brother W. D. Ramsay as Junior Deacon. The name of David Rainey was proposed for initiation along with the names of eight other persons.
As we celebrate 90 years, descendants of these founder members are still active in Phoenix Masonic Lodge No 836.
Henry Sinnamon - Great Uncle of Worshipful Brother Jim Sinnamon, the Lodge Almoner.
James Ramsay and William D. Ramsay - Great Grandfather and Grandfather of Brother Victor Ramsay.
David Rainey - Grandfather of Worshipful Brother Kenneth Rainey, Brother Clive Rainey the Lodge Junior Warden and Brother Ivor Rainey and father of the Late Worshipful Brother Harold Rainey who is always fondly remembered by all the present members of the Lodge.
Phoenix Masonic Lodge No. 836 Pomeroy has met continuously from 1921 to 2011 at the foothills of the Sperrins except for three months, March, April and May 2001 because of the outbreak of Foot and Mouth disease which affected the whole of the United Kingdom and Ireland.
No history of Phoenix Masonic Lodge would be complete without a mention of Worshipful Brother William (Billy) McLain who has installed 40 masters and has conferred in excess of 120 other degrees.
During the years of terrorism in the Province several members of the Lodge served in the security forces either as full-time or part-time members. On 21st May 1987 Brother Ivan Robert King Anderson, a school Principal and a part-time Captain in the Ulster Defence Regiment, was brutally murdered by IRA terrorists whilst he was off duty and travelling in his car along a country road near Carrickmore, County Tyrone.
On 2nd May 2007 The Most Worshipful the Grand Master, accompanied by the Assistant Grand Master, the Provincial Grand Master and the Assistant Provincial Grand Master of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Lodge of Tyrone and Fermanagh attended the monthly communication of the lodge to invest Worshipful Brother George Chambers as Honorary Past Provincial Junior Grand Warden, the highest honour which the Provincial Grand Master may confer on any Brother.
In 2008 the Lodge was bereaved by the death of five brethren due to natural causes. They were namely Honorary Right Worshipful Brother George Chambers who at the time of his death was the longest serving mason in Ireland, Worshipful Brother George O'Brien, Worshipful Brother David Shackels OBE, Worshipful Brother Jack Peden MBE and Brother Philip (Phil) Ewing. In September 2011 the Lodge was again bereaved by the death of Brother Brian Cunningham due to natural causes.
At this time we remember all Brethren who have passed on over the years to that Grand Lodge above.
The Bonn Hall was attacked and destroyed in a terrorist bombing in 2008 leaving the Lodge to sit at Ballymacall Orange Hall a few miles east of the Bonn Hall. The Lodge now looks forward to the re-building of the Hall and like the mythological bird - Phoenix Masonic Lodge No. 836 will rise from the ashes to continue for another 90 years at the Bonn Hall nestling at the foothills of the Sperrins in County Tyrone.