Provincial Grand Master Elect

The Provincial Grand Master

In my role as Provincial Grand Master, I welcome you to our website.

The Masonic Province of Tyrone and Fermanagh is part of the Grand Lodge of Ireland and corresponds geographically with the two Ulster counties of the same name.

Further information is contained in the section "About Us" and in the pages charting our history.

I am confident that as our website grows and develops it will become a place of interest for Masons everywhere.

R W Bro Johnny Woods PGM

Next Stated Quarterly Communication

The Next Stated Quarterly Communication of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Lodge of Tyrone and Fermanagh will be held Silverbirch Hotel, Omagh on Saturday 15th February 2025 at 1:45pm.

Laurence Smith
Provincial Grand Secretary

The communication will be preceded by a luncheon in the Drumragh Suite Restaurant at 12:00 noon midday.


Gortin Masonic Lodge 994, present £4,500 Cheque to Rural Support

All Charities

The Worshipful Master WBro. Drew Fleming assisted by the Treasurer WBro. Rufus McFarland presenting a cheque for £4,500.00 to Victoria Ross, Farm Support Co-ordinator for Rural Support. The money was raised from a Grand Draw organised by the Worshipful Master and also from an auction of items at our Annual Barbecue...for more

Lodge of True Friendship No 579 Charity Presentations

All Charities

99 years, 11 months and 13 days after their warrant was issued, the Lodge of True Friendship No. 579, Dungannon presented £1250 to Masonic & non-masonic charities at their 2024 February communication following various fundraising events during 2023. Each of the charities represented provided an overview of the important work that they do and were presented with cheques...for more

Captain Fyffe Golf Tournament 2023

On the 1st Tee

On Friday 1st of September the Captain Fyffe Golf Tournament was held in aid of Dementia NI. Some forty-two golfers, both masons and non-masons, had a very enjoyable day at Newtownstewart Golf Club. A total of £3,000 was raised for the Dementia NI Charity. Thanks to our main sponsor SANDEC and the Lodges and businesses who sponsored tee boxes.. ...for more

Crichton 204 Lisnaskea Centenarian Member

Bro Robinson and guests

Bro William Robinson, who celebrated a milestone 100th birthday recently, was initiated into Crichton 204, Lisnaskea, on the 19th April 1972. To mark the occasion the Lodge Chaplin WBro Robin Gardiner and the Almoner W Bro Dessy Wilson visited Bro Robinson. Bro William regaled them with several amusing stories from his past. ...for more