W Bro. David Jackson, PGM R.W Bro. Harry Weir,
PG Treasurer V.W Bro Haslett Moore and W.Bro Frank McKee.
After the Provincial Grand Lodge Communication on the 26th September in Dungannon a cheque for £1410 was presented to the Provincial Grandmaster and the Provincial Grand Treasurer by W.Bros David Jackson, Lodge 315 and Frank McKee, Lodge 277 on behalf of the two lodges. This being the proceeds from their BBQ and will now be forwarded on by Provincial Grand Lodge to the Horizon West Children's Hospice, Killadeas.
A steak BBQ organised jointly by Irvinestown 277 and Kipling Newporton 315, Ballinamallard was held at the Lough Erne Yacht Killadeas on Friday 1st June in aid of Horizon West Children's Hospice, Killadeas. Some 120 brethren and friends attended, making it a very sucessful evening raising in excess of £1000 to date.
After the lovely food cooked expertly by Bro. Noel Beatty everyone relaxed to music by "Dusty Diamond", the more adventurous taking to the dance floor to work off some of the excess calories. The dancing and crack went on into the wee small hours of the next morning as all were enjoying themselves so much. The two Lodges look forward to having another joint event next year.