Worshipful Master and Brethren of Harmony Masonic Lodge 586
handing over a cheque to Mrs Joyce Thompson
Enniskillen and District Cancer Focus NI. Chairperson,
included is Mrs Barbara Brand Secretary.
In early September 2015 Harmony Lodge 586 held their annual Worshipful Master Charity fund raising BBQ and "Night at the Races". This year's allocated Charity by the lodge brethren was "Cancer Focus NI". It was a very well attended evening which proved to be one of the most successful for some years, in no way helped by the beginning of a good weather spell which had eluded us during the so called summer months. The brethren and their guests collected and enjoyed their fine BBQ selection of salads etc. including meat supplied by our Worshipful Master elect for 2016, Worshipful Brother Andrew Burleigh of Riverside Quality Meats Ballinamallard.
Approximately ninety people attended the BBQ and "Night at the Races" and between each race a raffle for numerous spectacular donated prizes continued all evening. The Lodge would like to especially thank our sponsors to the raffle which included Garry's Hairport, Foglish Electrics, Carina at Lisbellaw Pharmacy, ASDA and Tesco and many other individual contributions. An auction completed the evening and all monies raised was to be split between "Cancer Focus" and other charities within Lodge 586 during 2015/2016.
Before the Lodge meeting on Friday 16th October brethren met with representatives of "Cancer Focus NI". Mrs Joyce Thompson Chairperson and Mrs Barbara Brand Secretary from Enniskillen and District Cancer Focus NI accepted a cheque for £1200.00 the money will go towards helping those affected by cancer, their families and cares both in Enniskillen and District and N. Ireland in general.
The Worshipful Master, Officers and Brethren wish to sincerely thank all who contributed in making it such a successful charitable evening.