Back Row: WBro. Stewart Robinson (DC); WBro. Martin Gamble (SD);
Bro. Mark Buchanan (IG); WBro. Sydney Stuart (Sec. Acting); Bro. Leslie Twaddle (JD);
WBro. Gerald McFarland (Treas); WBro. Robert Canders (IPM. Acting);
WBro. Tom Bratton (Chaplin); WBro. Sam Gallagher; WBro. Don McMullan
Middle Row: WBro. Andy Buchanan (J.W.); RWBro. Leslie Nixon (AGM);
WBro. Stephan Millar (WM); Bro. Robin Finlay (S.W.)
Front Row: WBro. Andy Forbes; Bro. Scott Moore; WBro. Robert Moore (SofCh)
Missing from photograph: W. Bro. Stafford McElrea and W. Bro. Charles Hamilton
Newtownstewart Masonic Lodge No. 547 enjoyed a thoroughly entertaining visit to Molesworth St., Dublin on Saturday 10th September 2016. The visit took place as a result of the initiative of W. Bro. Stephen Millar, Worshipful Master, who wished to mark his year in office with a visit to Grand Lodge. Eighteen members of the Lodge attended along with a number of other visiting Brethren including, V.W. Bro. Derrick Nixon, Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies and R.W. Bro. Leslie Nixon, the R.W. Assistant Grand Master, to whom the Lodge is deeply indebted, not only for gracing the visit with his presence but also for being instrumental in facilitating the arrangements which included access to the Grand Lodge Room itself for an occasional meeting held by the Brethren of 547 to mark the occasion.
During the proceedings Bro. Scott Moore was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason by a degree team consisting of W.Bro. Andy Forbes acting as Conductor; W. Bros. Charles Hamilton, Stewart Robinson and Thomas Bratton who provided an explanation of the Legend of the Degree and Bro. Robin Finlay who explained the working tools. W. Bro. Robert Moore, father of the candidate, read the Charge and the newly raised Brother was invested with his Master Mason's apron by the Worshipful Master, W. Bro. Stephen Millar who also presented the candidate with a Masonic Bible, signed by all the Brethren present.
Immediately following the meeting a number of the Brethren availed of the opportunity to take a guided tour of Molesworth St. conducted by W. Bro. Keith Stent, Tyler, which proved to be a very informative and insightful experience and was greatly appreciated by all concerned.
Having availed of some refreshments the Brethren then boarded the bus for the long journey home to Newtownstewart stopping off for a most enjoyable meal in the Riverfront Bar & Grill, Virginia, Co. Cavan where they had partaken of an equally enjoyable cooked breakfast on the way down to Dublin earlier in the day.
The Brethren of 547 would like to thank the "Visitors" from other Lodges who joined them for this significant event in the history of our Lodge and of course especial praise and gratitude is owed to R.W. Bro. Leslie Nixon, the R.W. Assistant Grand Master, for his kindness, hospitality and active support of this venture, not least in taking time out of his busy schedule to honour us with his presence on the day.
The visit will last long in the memories of those who were fortunate enough to be present, especially our newly raised Master Mason, Bro. Scott Moore.