Charity Report for 2015 by PG Stewart of Charities W.Bro H McKee

Contributions from all branches of Freemasonry in the Province to the Masonic Charities during the year ending 31st December 2015 amounted to £85,457.04.

With regard to the Craft and including the P G L of T & F donations stand at £70,617.65 (figure includes £16,001.25 in Gift Aid). It is worth noting that because of the support the Brethren of the Province given to PGL it was possible for the PGL Treasurer to allocate £3,225.00 to our Charities.

Payment from the Inland Revenue for Gift Aid amounted to £17,562.64. This figure includes a claim for two years Gift Aid for the Dungannon District.

Since my last report all three Charity Committees have been asked by the Charity Commission to apply for registration. The Enniskillen Charity Committee has been successfully registered. At present Omagh and Dungannon Committees are dealing with issues raised by the Commission in relation to their applications. It is hoped that these issues will soon be resolved.

In addition to the three Charity Committees having been called to register the PGL of T&F LMBF has also been called to register and as a consequence it has been necessary to review the Constitution to make it compliant with the legislation.

I wish to record my thanks for the assistance given to me by the District Treasurers, Secretaries and Committees.

Appreciation should also be recorded for the work carried out by so many, in support of not only Masonic Charities but also other worthy causes.

TOTALS FOR PERIOD 1/1/2015 - 31/12/15

VJMB FUND Masonic Welfare Fund Tyrone & Fermangh Benevolent Fund Other
Med.Res., H.McM.T
Joseph Karmel TLC TOTALS
Craft Lodges & PGL T&F 33528.40 8009.00

2266.00 54616.40
Royal Arch Chapters 6097.00 631.00 870.00 900.00

Knight Mason Councils 350.00

Preceptories 1964.00 120.00 60.00 1135.00

Prince Masons 450.00 270.00 197.00

Others 34.00

Gift Aid 15602.14 1283.00 640.00

37.50 17562.64
TOTALS 58025.54 10313.00 12580.00 2035.00 200.00 2303.50 85,457.04

Others: Lodges etc from outside the area serviced by EDMCC redeeming Gift Aid Vouchers.