Wor. Brother Brian Monaghan presented with his 60 year Certificate

Certificate Presentation

WBro Keith Monaghan, RWBro Johnny Woods, Provincial Grand Master, WBro Brian Monaghan
WBro Willie Magee, Worshipful Master of Callowhill Masonic Lodge No. 453,
and WBro Roger Monaghan.

Monday evening 30 December 2019 was a very special night in Callowhill Masonic Lodge No. 453, when Wor. Brother Brian Monaghan was presented with his 60 years Membership Certificate and Bar by the Provincial Grand Master, Right Worshipful Brother Johnny Woods, and the Worshipful Master, Worshipful Brother Willie Magee.

Wor. Brother Monaghan was initiated in Sion Masonic Lodge 144, Kilkeel on 28 December 1959, Passed to the Fellow Craft Degree on 12 February 1960 and raised to the Master Mason Degree on 18 March 1960. He transferred to Callowhill 453 on 26 March 1973 and served as Worshipful Master in 2000. He was previously presented with his 50 years Certificate and Jewel on 28 December 2009.

Included in the photograph are Worshipful Brother Brian's two sons, Worshipful Brothers Roger and Keith Monaghan who acted as Director of Ceremonies and Senior Deacon respectively on the evening.